Johan as confidant

“A dedicated partner for the well-being of your employees.”

Staff is the most valuable part of any business. After all, through their efforts, your business can grow and prosper. It is therefore very important that your employees are able to do their jobs in a pleasant and stimulating environment where they feel heard and seen.

Yet this is not always obvious. It may happen that an employee is not feeling well. Because of private circumstances or perhaps because of something going on in the workplace. In any case, the result is that he or she is not functioning optimally. What to do?

External confidant: an independent and listening ear without judging

At that point, it is nice to have a confidant to whom the employee can turn. In most companies, someone in the human resources department is appointed as a confidential advisor, but that will not work in all cases. For example, if the company does not have its own human resources department or if the situation the employee is struggling with is very sensitive and personal. In those cases, an external confidant is a godsend.

Johan van Wensen of WensWare Solutions is one such independent, external confidant. On neutral ground, he interacts with the employee involved. He listens without judgment and is open to other views. This creates an atmosphere of openness and trust in which people can be themselves and dare to share their problems. Johan then determines the next steps with the employee. How can they collectively ensure that the employee feels well again? The goal is for him or her to enjoy going back to work and function optimally.   

Support and advice for management and board

As an external confidential advisor, Johan is not only there for employees. Managers and board members may also need support and advice from an experienced, independent and trustworthy confidential advisor with integrity. Through his years of experience as a manager and communicating with executives, Johan knows what the challenges are at this strategic and tactical level. Johan van Wensen is happy to advise and assist you.


(socially, related to society)